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Reference Projects

Um Batamah Girls School

Jundi Electrical Industry part of TECO Group won the supply of MDB Panel related to Project Um Batamah Girls School for Shabab Contracting Company. Panel was ready for delivery on 03-08-2021

Airforce Base Project

Jundi Electrical Industry part of TECO Group won the supply of MDBs, SMDBs and MCC Panels for Ismail Al Hersh Company for Contracting Company related to the Jordanian Airforce Project. All Panels were ready for delivery on 02.08.2021


Jundi Electrical Industry part of TECO Group won the supply of two SMDB AC Panels for Arab Bank - Head Quarters Amman

MCC Panel

Jundi Electrical Industry part of TECO Group won the supply of MCC Panel for a cash customer

Combined ATS Panel for 4 Electric Meters

all panels related to Project named Combined ATS Panel for 4 Electric Meters for United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA),Amman