Synchronizing Panels

Proposed Megapipes Weholite Factory

Jundi Electrical Industry part of TECO Group was awarded the supply of all electrical panels to Proposed Megapipes Weholite Factory for BURHANI POWERENGINEERS LTD.

Panels were ready for delivery on 28.05.2023

Sync and MDB Panel

PLASCO LV Switchgear

Black Iris Ship Synchronizing Panel

The Royal Palace (Jordan) P500

Supply of all Low Voltage Switchgear Panels to Project and including a synchronizing panel with load shedding.

Wadi Arab Waste Water Treatment Plant

Owner : Water Authority of Jordan.
Consultant : JV DAR & RRI (Germany) in associations with SIGMA (Jordan)
Location : Doqara village / Irbid district.
Commissioning date : 1999/ 2000.

Dar Al-Dawa Jordan

Jundi Electrical Industry – Part of TECO Group Supplied the Main Distribution Board for Dar Al-Dawa Supply of Main Distribution Board and 4-Genset Synchronizing Panel